Call for blog posts: the value of graphic social science


The Graphic Social Science Network blog is calling for contributions. Each month, we would like to open the floor to discuss issues relating to producing social science research in comics form.

Comics offer scholars a unique opportunity to communicate their research in two distinct but interwoven levels — words and pictures. While anyone who is already enamoured with comics can readily see the genius of graphic scholarship (of course!), the value of producing research in a traditionally derided medium may not be so obvious to everyone else.

In the inaugural Graphic Social Science blog debate, we would like to know how you would make a case for the value of graphic social science to your colleagues, students and publishers. We would like to hear both sides of the argument. Blog posts, podcasts, vlogs, and of course webcomics are welcome.

The deadline is January 31st 2018. Please send your submissions to Can Yalcinkaya ( and Mark Carrigan (



The Graphic Social Science Research Network
The Graphic Social Science Research Network

Written by The Graphic Social Science Research Network

The Graphic Social Science Research Network was established in June 2017 to help advance the practice of Graphic Social Science.

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